Outdoor Medical Solutions Recruitment

We are recruiting in all regions of South West England and Wales. If you are a paramedic, urgent care nurse, technician, Emergency Care Assistant to hold FREC qualifications and are looking for ad hoc, full or part time work please get in touch.

OMS are currently recruiting, If you are interested in joining a friendly, professional and receptive company then please complete our application form and send to info@outdoormedicalsolutions.co.uk  by following the link below or fill in the contact form and we will be in touch.

Download the OMS staff application form

    To continue with your application for a position within OMS, you must agree to have your data shared with necessary departments within OMS for the purposes of making an application to join us as a member of our medical team. You also agree to OMS using your contact details for communicating with you with regards to progressing your application. You must also give consent to allow OMS to share your data with NHS Trusts for the purposes of vetting staff involved in NHS Frontline contracts. More detailed explanation of our Data Privacy Terms & Conditions is available on request. Tick box to give your consent to these requirements.
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